User Agreement

The "User Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") serves as the basis for Shenzhen Bello Intelligence Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bello") to provide products and services, determining the conditions and manner in which users use the products and services. To ensure and better use, please carefully read and fully understand the content of each clause. By clicking agree, you indicate that you have been informed of and understand this Agreement, accept the terms of this Agreement, and this Agreement will take effect immediately and be binding on all parties. If you object to any terms of this Agreement, you should choose not to use the products and services.

This Agreement includes all rules formulated based on this Agreement. All rules are an integral part of this Agreement and have the same effect as this Agreement. Bello has the right to change this Agreement at any time and publish it on this page ( This publication is deemed as Bello fulfilling its notification and delivery obligations. Once the page is issued, it is deemed as delivered. When you continue to use Bello and related services, you are deemed to fully accept the changes to the Agreement and follow the current Agreement after the changes. From the first day you use Bello, you give irrevocable authorization and ratification to Bello's past actions. The ownership, operation rights, and interpretation rights of Bello services belong to Shenzhen Bello Intelligence Co., Ltd.

I. Definitions

1. Bello refers to a technology provider that provides better product and service experiences for users with recruitment needs within the scope of users' own rights based on user authorization.

2. User: Refers to the user of Bello products and services who has full civil capacity, civil rights capacity, and civil liability capacity. The user is an organization with legal personality or independent civil subject status.

3. Candidate: A natural person with full civil capacity who voluntarily uploads and imports personal information to data providers, and authorizes reasonable use of their personal information within an appropriate scope, and who has or has had job-seeking intentions.

4. Data Provider: Refers to a third-party entity to which the user has corresponding rights after registering and purchasing its services or products. It is also a third-party entity to which candidates upload or import their personal information. The data provider provides services including but not limited to information services, intermediary services, and technical services to users and candidates.

II. Usage of Bello Products and Services

(I) User Commitments

1. Users commit to using the products and services solely for their own recruitment purposes, not including use for their controlled enterprises, invested enterprises, affiliated enterprises, legal persons or property-mixed entities, or other civil entities. The use should not deviate from the specific functions or modules provided by Bello for purposes other than recruitment. Users shall not sell, transfer, disseminate, license/sub-license, or imitate and reproduce (including but not limited to the functions and codes of products and services) Bello's products and services, nor shall they grant access to any third party without Bello's prior consent.

2. Users commit that the resumes and other data information browsed, imported, and uploaded from data providers to Bello have been consented to by the data providers and candidates and have been effectively authorized for storage and processing. This is unrelated to Bello, and users shall bear the corresponding responsibilities.

3. Users commit to knowing and understanding all rules formulated based on this agreement, and agree that all rules are an integral part of this agreement and have the same effect as this agreement.

4. Users commit to strictly abide by laws, regulations, and other normative documents, Bello's various rules and agreements, and social public order and good customs in the process of using Bello's products and services. Users shall bear any responsibilities, losses, and legal consequences arising from violations of the above norms.

5. Users commit to adhering to the principle of good faith to the greatest extent possible when using Bello's services.

6. Users commit that once they use Bello's products and services, they agree to accept information and news from Bello, including but not limited to job information, activity information, promotional information, etc.

7. Users commit that once they use Bello's products or services, they irrevocably authorize Bello to exercise various rights that users enjoy against data providers and candidates on their behalf.

8. Users commit that the various rights authorized to Bello to exercise on their behalf do not exceed their own permissions.

9. Users commit to fully protect the data obtained through authorizing Bello to exercise various rights on their behalf, to prevent leakage or abuse.

10. Users commit that, whether during or after the period of using Bello's products or services, they will not engage in any form of solicitation or disguised solicitation of Bello's employees or former employees who have terminated their labor relationship with Bello for less than one year.

(II) User Behavior Restrictions

1. Users' behavior must not violate laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, local regulations, and other normative documents, Bello's various rules and agreements, and social public order and good customs. Bello has the right to make judgments on compliance based on common sense and the general intelligence level of the public, without having to rely on post-facto notifications, investigations, judgments, and other documents from public authorities.

2. Users must not disrupt the website's operational order or engage in activities unrelated to Bello's products and services.

3. Users must not use any robot software, scripts, or other methods to automatically access or use Bello's products and services.

4. Users must not maliciously damage the website through any technical means or interfere with the website's operation by posting a large amount of spam information.

5. Users must not, without Bello's consent, use any information or materials from Bello, or any information or materials obtained or formed from data providers or candidates during the recruitment process, for purposes other than their own recruitment (including but not limited to making copies or derivative works by copying, modifying, forwarding, collecting, translating, or making them public).

(III) Collection and Use of User Information

1.The user information includes, but is not limited to:

Data automatically received and recorded by the user's browser from the website, including but not limited to IP addresses, data from cookies, and browsing records requested by the user;

2.Information published, uploaded, commented on, or written by the user during the use of Bello's products and services.

3.Bello has the right to collect and use data and usage traces generated by the user's activities beyond candidate information for the purpose of providing services to the user. This may include, but is not limited to, recommending jobs, sending activity and service information, or sharing user information with third parties for the provision of requested services.

4.When required to provide information for the purpose of using Bello's products and services, users must provide true, legal, and accurate information, including but not limited to names, personal identification, qualification proof, contact addresses, job information, and company introductions. Users agree to describe and update this information truthfully and in a timely manner.

5.Bello has the right to disclose all or part of the user's personal information in the following situations:

(1)With user consent, disclose to third parties;

(2)Upon complaints related to intellectual property rights, reputation, or other rights from third parties, if Bello has reasonable grounds to believe that the user's behavior may infringe upon these rights;

(3)As required by law or upon the request of administrative or judicial authorities, disclose to third parties or authorities;

(4)If the user violates Chinese laws or Bello's policies, disclose to third parties;

(5)To provide the services requested by the user, share user information with third parties;

(6)Other disclosures as deemed appropriate by Bello.

(IV) User Disputes

1.Offline activities between data providers, candidates, and users, including communication, interviews, job offers, and the establishment of employment relationships, are not subject to Bello's constraints. Disputes arising from these activities should be handled according to laws and regulations, relevant contracts, and common practices. Bello is not responsible for resolving such disputes.

2.Bello provides feedback channels, including specific website modules or functions, where users can express and reflect disputes they have with various parties. However, Bello does not guarantee that feedback will be provided or that disputes will be resolved.

(V) User Feedback

1.During the use of Bello's products and services, users can provide feedback on Bello and its services in any form, including suggestions, comments, or other opinions, through the feedback channels provided by Bello.

2.User feedback should be true, objective, and must comply with laws and regulations, as well as Bello's various rules and agreements and social norms. If the feedback violates these rules, Bello has the right to take appropriate action.

(VI) Promotion and Advertising

Unless the user specifically requests and Bello accepts this request, Bello has the right to publicly use the user's publicly available information, including but not limited to names, trademarks, logos, and slogans, on Bello's pages or in marketing materials related to Bello. Bello promises not to use this information for purposes unrelated to Bello's services.

III. Interruption or Termination of Service

All actions taken by the user in authorizing Bello to exercise its rights, Bello has the right but not the obligation to review all information generated, Bello has the right to interrupt or terminate services to violating users. If the user registers again under another name, Bello has the right to interrupt or terminate services to that user.

2. If the user has not logged into their account for more than 6 months, Bello has the right to interrupt or terminate services to that user.

3. The user can terminate the service upon Bello's consent.

4. After interrupting or terminating services, Bello has the right but not the obligation to retain all user data and information.

5. Interrupting or terminating services does not exempt the user from liability for damages or infringement.

6. Bello's termination actions do not have retroactive effect.

7. Fees charged to the user after service interruption or termination are non-refundable.

IV. Declaration of Responsibility

1. Bello does not guarantee the authenticity, legality, or accuracy of the user's credit status or information.

2. Bello is committed to providing quality and stable services.

3. Bello does not guarantee any information obtained through its services.

4. Unless otherwise provided by law, Bello's liability is limited to the service fees collected.

V. Representations and Warranties

(I) Intellectual Property

1. The intellectual property rights related to the terms explicitly stipulated in this agreement, as well as any content related to Bello's services, are owned by Bello or relevant rights holders. The content referred to in this clause includes but is not limited to Bello's design, code, content, function descriptions, information, user information, and all icons, graphics, charts, colors, text expressions and their combinations, page layouts, etc. on Bello's related websites. The intellectual property rights referred to in this clause include but are not limited to patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, etc. Without Bello's prior written consent, no user shall copy, use, reprint Bello's intellectual property rights or provide them to any third party.

2. Users should ensure the integrity of Bello's intellectual property rights and should not modify the content of Bello's intellectual property rights without authorization, nor should they reverse engineer any products or services provided by Bello.

(II) Privacy Rights

1. Bello does not provide user personal information to any third party, whether for profit or non-profit purposes. Exceptions are made when it is necessary to provide services to users, when third parties are entrusted to provide services to users, or when users have given consent.

2. Bello has the right to disclose user's personal information due to intellectual property rights claims raised by third parties or intervention by administrative or judicial authorities.

3. Bello has the right to collect and use information generated by users using Bello that does not contain personal characteristics. For details, please refer to the "Collection and Use of User Information" section of this agreement.

(III) Confidentiality Obligation

Users guarantee that documents and materials obtained during the use of Bello that belong to Bello and other parties and cannot be obtained from public channels (including but not limited to personal information, trade secrets, company plans, operational activities, financial information, technical information, business information and other trade secrets) are confidential information. For such information, Bello has a confidentiality obligation to users, and users also have a confidentiality obligation to each other. Without the written consent of the original provider of such materials and documents, no party shall disclose all or part of the confidential information to any third party. Exceptions are made for provisions in laws, regulations, administrative rules, or other agreements between the parties.

VI. Update and Modification of the Agreement

Bello reserves the right to revise and update this agreement at any time. Once such revisions or updates occur, Bello will promptly publish the revised and updated content on this page ( If users find the changes unacceptable, they should stop using Bello's related services. Continued use of Bello's related services will be deemed as the user's acceptance of the changed terms, willingness to be bound by them, and irrevocable retroactive authorization of Bello's past actions in accordance with the changed terms.

VII. Dissolution and Termination of the Agreement

(I) The agreement shall be dissolved or terminated under the following circumstances:

1. Bello terminates services to users based on laws and regulations, normative documents, Bello's various rules and agreements, and social public order and good customs. The termination of the agreement in this case does not exempt the user from the corresponding responsibilities. If one party's entity is dissolved, revoked, or otherwise unable to effectively exist, unresolved issues shall be handled in accordance with legal provisions.

2. The agreement cannot continue to be performed or has no necessity and significance due to force majeure. Force majeure refers to unforeseeable, unavoidable, and insurmountable objective circumstances, including but not limited to war, typhoon, flood, fire, lightning or earthquake, strike, riot, legal disease, hacker attack, computer virus, technical control by telecommunications departments, government actions, or any other natural or man-made disasters.

3. When the agreement is terminated or updated, the user does not accept the new agreement. The user should immediately stop using Bello's services.

(II) The dissolution or termination of this agreement only represents the termination of services between the user and Bello. The user's authorization and retroactive approval of Bello's agency actions during the agreement's existence remain valid.

VIII. Breach of Contract

1. If any legal disputes arise due to the user's improper use of Bello's services, the user shall resolve them on their own, and Bello shall not bear any legal responsibility or compensation. If it causes losses to Bello, the user shall compensate Bello for all losses caused thereby (including but not limited to actual losses suffered by Bello and any profit losses that can be reasonably proven to be expected, any lawyer fees, preservation fees, execution fees paid or lost, and all due benefits deprived, etc.). If Bello's losses cannot be estimated, they shall be based on the amount proposed by Bello.

2. If the user fails to use Bello's services as agreed in this agreement, Bello has the right to suspend services to the user. If it causes losses to Bello, the user shall compensate Bello for all losses caused thereby (scope same as above).

3. For any user behavior that violates the provisions of this agreement, Bello has the right to take corresponding handling measures. Methods include but are not limited to recording bad behavior, adjusting user credit rating, blacklist and whitelist restrictions, banning user accounts, etc. Forms include system background records or website public disclosure. Such handling measures will affect the user's use of Bello's services. For matters involving illegal activities or crimes, Bello will hand them over to judicial authorities for handling.

4. The party suffering from a force majeure event may temporarily suspend the performance of its obligations under this contract until the impact of the force majeure event is eliminated, and shall not be liable for breach of contract; however, it should make the greatest efforts to overcome the event and mitigate its negative impact.

IX. Other

1. Bello reserves the right of final interpretation of this agreement.

2. Any disputes between users and Bello can be resolved through negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the people's court where Bello is registered.

3. All parties confirm that any disputes arising from this contract involve trade secrets. Regardless of whether any party actively sues, responds to a lawsuit, or countersues or joins the lawsuit as a third party, they should apply to the court with jurisdiction for non-public trial. And during the dispute resolution period and after the dispute is resolved, they shall not release or disclose any information related to this agreement and the dispute to any third party, otherwise it shall be deemed as a breach of contract liability stipulated in Article VIII of this agreement.

4. The conclusion, effectiveness, interpretation, execution, jurisdiction, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.