Proprietary Core Technology

Proprietary Core Technology

Long-standing Pain Points, Solved in the Short Term

Campus Recruitment

Campus Recruitment

Candidates spend a lot of time manually filling out resumes, resulting in a poor application experience.

Internal Referrals

Internal Referrals

The process of uploading resumes for employees is cumbersome, leading to low referral efficiency and poor candidate experience.

Regular Recruitment

Regular Recruitment

Manual screening is time-consuming, and the system user experience is poor.

Recruitment Digitalization

Recruitment Digitalization

Data structuring is the foundation of all digitalization work. The ability to structure talent data directly determines whether enterprise recruitment digitalization can proceed smoothly.

Resume Fingerprint Deduplication

Leveraging Bello's powerful resume parsing and knowledge graph technology, we create a unique fingerprint for each resume, helping companies eliminate duplicate resume purchases and repeated recommendations from headhunters, potentially saving hundreds of thousands to millions in expenses annually.

Resume Fingerprint Deduplication

Multi-level Fingerprinting

Bello's resume deduplication is based on the principle of "multi-level fingerprinting," which comprehensively determines duplicates by combining different field contents to uniquely identify a person with varying levels of confidence. It also supports customizing deduplication strategy rules through configuration files.

Multi-level Fingerprinting

Candidate and Job Profile Analysis

Continuous Mining and Iterative Update Capability

Continuous Mining and Iterative Update Capability

While initially requiring significant investment from expert consultants to build the basic framework of the knowledge graph, we later combine pattern recognition, probabilistic graphical models, and other graph mining technologies to greatly improve graph construction efficiency, minimizing the cost of large-scale graph updates.

Few-shot Learning Capability

Few-shot Learning Capability

By slightly modifying our graph construction technology, we can achieve few-shot learning capabilities, solving the challenges of building graphs for niche positions or special functional roles.

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